Cold Fall Fishing in Arizona

Met back up with Alan for a quick day trip. We headed to a high lake in search of fall spawning Browns. It was 16* when we got there, snow all over, no other people.

While we spotted some large cruisers. The only fish to net were small Rainbows. Not worth getting the cameras out in the cold.

We drove lower. Fished a spot with large rainbows stocked by the Fish and Game. This spot saved the day. Alan got a few on a small hares ear including this brute.

I caught a really nice one on the trusty bloodworm just a foot under the surface over some mud. He slipped away before we could photograph him. Then a couple Apache trout saw the net.

Alan headed towards the truck to fish some other spots. I remained, determined to get a big one. After several attempts I got one of the large fish to eat. Again on the bloodworm. That fly is such a confidence fly for me. I just know the fish will eat it and they do! Funny something so simple catches trout so well in so many places. Hook, glass bead, red thread, copper wire, clear coating.

Alan was long gone so heres my attempt at a self timer shot on a muddy bank.

Categories: Apache Trout, Arizona, Backcountry, Chironomids, Fish, Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, Midges, Rainbow Trout, Sleep When Youre Dead, Stillwater